Panhurst Farms Foundation

Panhurst Farms Foundation is a nonprofit corporation (see details below) organized in Indiana with 501(c)(3) status. All donations to Panhurst Farms Foundation are U.S. Tax-deductible. The foundation is partnering with the farm venture in Morocco through program related investments and is recruiting and mobilizing donor-partners to join with the Farrs and those they serve among there. Its mission is:


  • To promote awareness among Americans of the conditions of rural Moroccans.
  • To engage Moroccans living in America to address the needs of rural Moroccans.
  • To empower and stand with rural Moroccans, promoting healthy and economically self-sustaining lifestyles, and encouraging the use of their combined God-given talents and resources to reach out and bring about enduring transformational change in their communities and country.

Henry & CoCo Farr write;

The Panhurst Farms Foundation recognizes the importance of transformational presence, life-on-life experiences, and community-conscious employment in Morocco. We are excited about this Foundation and its potential for benefiting communities through establishing business partnerships for business presence in hard areas. They are inviting partners for involvement to push the Moroccan farm project over its final hurdle. As soon as sufficient funds are available, project improvement tasks and production operations will begin. Once the farms infrastructure is completed and year one profits are available, the venture anticipates following years’ profits will begin to sustain the farm and support us and farm personnel without the need for ongoing outside funding.


Panhurst Farms Foundation

P.O. Box 244, Plainfield, IN 46168-0244